Sunday, 25 April 2010

Adventures in th Big Smoke, Part 2.

After the entertaining bath incident - I managed to turn the tap off eventually, just before I had to call for boats to get everyone out two-by-two...I realised I had forgotten to bring the appropriate bra to wear with my purple velvet strapless ball gown, meaning I had to wear my other one, with the straps tucked into the top.

Why is this starting to sound like a Bridget Jones adventure?...And, no I didn't wear Magic Pants. No need, since I've been on the gluten-free diet. I no longer blow up in the middle like one of those sheep in Thomas Hardy novels and have to be punctured with a knitting needle to get me back down to a size ten...

Thus, when I arrived downstairs I spent the first part of the evening not daring to move in case I had a mammary mishap. Luckily, I dress in Edwardian style so everyone just assumed I had been brought in from Madame Tussuad's because the Oscar waxwork was busy doing a television show standing in for Jonathon Ross...

There were, however, no mammary mishaps or absconding bosom moments. My talk - which was about Oscar Wilde's impact upon contemporary culture - went well and afterwards I was interviewed by an Italian television channel, web address, The interview will be on youtube after May 12th

Just one more quirky thing. On the train, on the way home I managed to sit next to a man who was humping a very large bag onto the table. He caught my eye, chuckled, then said, 'It's all right, I've got the body of my wife in there.'

Then he proceeded to read 'Introverts' Monthly', AKA The People's Friend. (Isn't it always the quiet ones you have to watch?...)

The interview will be broadcast on youtube under

1 comment:

  1. love the blog,darling! you should definitely be a columnist.lots of love,faith xx
